Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it may be required for children at St Oswald’s to be educated remotely.
The documents below will provide all the information you need to know about the school’s remote education offer and how to access it successfully. Furthermore, to help keep everybody safe whilst the children are learning remotely, we have included the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement – there is a separate one for KS1 and Ks2 children.
We recognise that extended periods of remote learning will be challenging. We thank you for your efforts in supporting your children’s education, and we are here for you if you need support. Please try to find the joy in the remote learning, taking breaks to be active, have fun and be relaxed. We have provided guidance on how you might structure a day at home so that you can establish a routine that works for everybody. Celebrate the good days, and try not to be too tough on yourselves when things don’t run smoothly. All you can do is try your best, and every effort you make is an investment in your child – be proud of this.
As a school, we believe that the children’s mental health and wellbeing are the most important priorities during any period of remote learning. Below is a link to a free resource for parents which may help you safeguard your children’s mental health and promote their wellbeing: