St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School will receive Government funding to support the sustainable development of PE and School Sports. This will be carefully invested with the following aims:
1. To increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
2. To engage all pupils in regular physical activity
3. To raise the profile of PE and sport as a tool for whole school improvement
4. To offer a broader range of sports and activities to our pupils
5. To increase participation in competitive sport
We intend to invest the Sports Premium in the following ways:
- To continue to improve the quality of existing PE teaching through CPD for staff and by using specialist coaches to work alongside the class teacher during lessons.
- To promote and increase participation in intra-school and inter-school competitions. Specialist coaches will deliver after school clubs to enhance pupils’ knowledge and skills in preparation for competition. Within this aim, we will ensure that disadvantaged and SEND pupils receive the same opportunities as all pupils.
- Outdoor and Adventurous Activities will be a priority within the PE curriculum. The school has developed partnerships with a local outdoor centre, The Anderton Centre, as well as the Langdales YHA to provide pupils with opportunities to progressively develop their OAA skills across Key Stage 2.
- Ensuring all pupils at St Oswald’s are physically active every day that they are in school, helping them to become fitter and healthier, both physically and mentally. We believe that this regular, structured exercise will help pupils to achieve more across the whole curriculum.