Safeguarding at St. Oswald’s

Everyone has a responsibility to promote the welfare of our children and to ensure that they are kept safe. As a member of staff, volunteer or visitor, you must accept this responsibility.



Are you concerned about a child?

Any form of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional or neglect) can have a damaging effect upon a child’s health, education and wellbeing. If whilst working with a child you become concerned, please act on these concerns immediately.



Who to speak to if you have any concerns

Any allegation or concern should be directed to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or one of the deputy DSLs. If they are not available, please speak to any other member of staff. If the concern is about the Headteacher, please contact the Chair of Governors, Mrs Elizabeth Sommers.

The designated safeguarding lead (DSL) is Mr Owens – the Headtacher.

The deputy designated safeguarding leads are Mrs Philippa Atherton (Deputy Headteacher) and Miss Lisa Fairhurst (TA).

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